
Extra sleepytime tea
Extra sleepytime tea

extra sleepytime tea

National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

  • Valerian: Fact sheet for health professionals.
  • Or consider getting an evaluation at a sleep medicine center that's accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. If you continue to have insomnia, talk to your doctor about possible causes and treatment strategies. Ultimately, persistent insomnia indicates a problem, such as poor sleep habits or a medical or psychological condition. If you're thinking of taking valerian, check with your doctor to make sure it won't interact with other medications or supplements you're taking and that it's safe to take with any health or medical conditions you have. Remember, natural doesn't always mean safe. Contents of a supplement containing valerian may not be consistent and may include other ingredients.

    extra sleepytime tea

    You can't always be certain of what you're getting and whether it's safe. Herbal supplements aren't monitored by the Food and Drug Administration the same way medications are.And it may interact with other dietary supplements, such as St. Valerian can interfere with some prescription medications. It also increases the sedative effect of depressants, such as alcohol, benzodiazepines and narcotics. Valerian may increase the effects of other sleep aids.

    extra sleepytime tea

    And because valerian can make you drowsy, avoid driving or operating dangerous machinery after taking it. If you have liver disease, avoid taking valerian. And it has not been evaluated to determine if it's safe for children under 3 years old. Valerian may not be safe if you're pregnant or breast-feeding. Although valerian is thought to be fairly safe, side effects such as headache, dizziness, stomach problems or sleeplessness may occur. Because dosages varied in studies involving valerian and some studies weren't rigorous, it's not clear what dose is most effective or for how long you should take a particular dose. Valerian seems to be most effective after you take it regularly for two or more weeks. Both NCCIH and ODS are part of the National Institutes of Health. Look for objective, research-based information to evaluate a product's claims, such as from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) or the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). Don't just rely on a product's biased marketing. Or there may be important underlying causes, such as sleep apnea or periodic limb movement disorder, which require evaluation. Also, cognitive behavioral therapy - for instance, replacing worries about not sleeping with positive thoughts - may be more effective and safer than medications or herbal supplements for dealing with insomnia. Start with lifestyle habits that influence sleep: avoid caffeine late in the day, maintain a regular sleep schedule, get regular exercise, and wind down an hour or two before bed. Before you decide to take a valerian supplement for insomnia, consider the following:

    Extra sleepytime tea