Data are usually only kept on bites from spiders that are potentially deadly or cause severe reactions and these data are not recorded consistently at a national or international level.
Do you mean the spider with the most toxic venom, measured by its effect on newborn mice or other mammals? Or do you mean the spider that has caused the death of the most people? Those that have the strongest venom may not be encountered by humans very often, or may even have trouble piercing human skin and so are not considered to be 'dangerous'. Several spiders could qualify, depending on what you mean by dangerous. It is hard to define which spider in the world is the most dangerous to humans. What is the world's most dangerous spider? There are also species that live in the desert and others that inhabit tropical rainforests. They are nocturnal - which is why we rarely see them - but they can be disturbed during the day, especially during the prolonged wet weather. Scorpions are common in gardens and forests throughout eastern Australia and are found under logs, rocks and in shallow burrows in earth banks. The symptoms of this spider's bite (and of other Latrodectus species, including the Redback Spider) match the whole-body symptoms experienced during tarantism. Finally, it was shown that the real culprit was a Black Widow relative, Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, known in Southern Europe as the "malmignatte". However, it was subsequently shown to cause little serious results when it bit people.

The original spider identified by the people of the time was a wolf spider ( Lycosa tarantula). The alleged spider that caused all of these symptoms was called a tarantula, but the species was incorrectly identified. Scientists later determined that many cases might indeed have been the result of a bite, although much of the fierce dancing and extreme behaviour may reflect more about the social and sexual repression at the time. It was hard to determine whether an actual bite had occurred or if people were merely displaying some form of madness or hysteria. The symptoms - known as tarantism - included severe pain, swelling, spasms, nausea and vomiting, palpitations, and fainting, along with exhibitionism, melancholia and delirium. During the Middle Ages, the tarentella was thought to be the way to cure the bite of a particular spider. This town is the original home of the wild dance called the tarentella. Tarantula is derived from the name of a town in Italy, Taranto.

However, the word tarantula is also used to refer to huntsman spiders. In Australia, the whistling spiders are also called Australian tarantulas, as they are related to the American spiders. Some people use it to describe the large hairy spiders of South and Central America. It depends on what you mean by the word "tarantula". These ground-dwelling spiders are big enough to prey on small frogs and reptiles, but are not known to eat birds. In Australia the theraphosids are represented by the whistling spiders ( Selenocosmia sp.). These spiders are also referred to as tarantulas. The term 'bird-eating spider' usually refers to large spiders from the family Theraphosidae. Does Australia have a bird-eating spider?