
But thats none of my business religious memes
But thats none of my business religious memes

but thats none of my business religious memes

The most appalling thing we discovered in this deep dive of Christian memes was how spectacularly out of date meme formats were. Not the deeply problematic (and wildly unfunny) ‘friendzone’ memes that seem to see any relationship but marriage as worthless. Not complementarian-but-really-just-misogynistic memes. The most disturbing/disappointing thing we discovered while trawling the depths of the internet (so you don’t have to)? Not trite ‘God has the right person for you even though your gender outnumbers the gender you’re attracted to by seven to one in most churches’ memes. But there is also a reason why ’Babylon Bee’ is considered the pinnacle of humour by a comedy-starved Church. There are some great Christian memes out there and some great Christian meme pages. Christian (and Christian-adjacent) memes, dealing with Valentine’s Day, dating, relationships and romantic love, is what we were looking for. In honour of the day, we thought we’d treat it with the seriousness it deserves and find you some memes. Or just go on a date with someone who isn’t weird (it’s rough out there for Christian singles). Valentine’s Day is upon us, the day when Christians who denounce the commercialism and worldliness of Halloween go surprisingly quiet so that they can stay married. I was abused by a deacon in my church.The ‘hated’ Peter Hitchens on pessimism, divine grace and burning his Bible.Tim Keller (1950-2023): The evangelical statesman was a pastor first.

But thats none of my business religious memes